11th edition – 2024

we aim to support emerging artists

to create bridges between art, industry and the city

BEFORE MAY THE 10th 2024 !

Les Talents SATI is an art competition dedicated to emerging artists from European art schools.

Since 2014, Café SATI invites participants to  invest the façade of its roasting plant located at the Rhine port on the border between Kehl and Strasbourg.

One selected project will go  into production, benefit expertise, funding and an exceptional visibility in the public space.

projects supported
square meters wide
focus on content

Prizes and awards

Talents SATI of the year

  • 4 000 € grant (rights purchase)
  • 1 year of public exhibition
  • Fully funded production costs, installation and maintenance.

3 shortlisted projects

  • Individual shortlisted projects  will receive a grant of 500 € each.
  • Pitching session transportation costs are supported by the organization.
Belgium - France - Germany - Switzerland

For emerging artists

The Talents SATI art competition is restricted to emerging artists (single or formed as an artist’s collective) from the partner art schools(*) in Belgium, France, Germany or Switzerland.

For each project, at least the leading member of the group has to be  :

  • recently graduated less than 5 years
  • or regularly enrolled for in one of the partner schools(*)

(*) Partners schools for 2024 :  Ecole supérieure d’art et de design de Reims (FR) – Ecole nationale supérieure d’art de Nancy (FR) – École nationale supérieure des Arts Décoratifs (FR) – École supérieure d’art de Lorraine, Metz-Épinal (FR) – Haute école des arts du Rhin (FR) – Hochschule de Pforzheim (DE) – Hochschule der Bildenden Künste Saarbrrücken (DE) – Köln International School of Design: KISD (DE) – Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst FHNW, Basel (CH) – Hochschule Luzern, Design & Kunst (CH) – Higher Institute for Fine Arts (BE)4

roadmap to the roasting plant

3 key steps



Download the participant files

After online registration, the Talents SATI will provide the candidate with several ressources (technical datas, photos, videos, 3D and mockups …) 

These materials will help the understanding of the surroundings and give clues and technical assets for the presentation of the project.


before May the 10th 2024

Send your project

The jury will meet during a first session in May (*) to study the various proposal and shortlist 3 projects.

To be part of the selection panel, the participants must send their project before May the 10th 2024 at contact[at]lestalentssati.com

The complete artiste file consists in :

  • a short presentation of the artist or artist’s collective
  • a detailed description of the artistic project
    (max. 1 A4 page, around 500 to 600 words)
  • a visualization of the artistic project,
    a sketch, photographs, video stills etc. (as pdf A3 page)

Talents Sati

The 3 shortlisted will immediately enter in an advanced development stage to prepare for he final jury. With the support of the production company and experts, the goal is to finalize the project and prepare the final pitch session to the final jury. The jury will take place in Strasbourg June the 20th 2024.

in pitch we trust

Submit your project to a european jury

The president of the Jury for this edition will be Sandeep Sodhi, from Staatliche Kunsthalle Baden-Baden.

The jury will meet twice in the selection process to choose and follow projects.

The jury consists in :

  • 3 inspiring people from the artistic, cultural and economic world of Belgium, Germany, France or Swiss.
  • An executive of Café SATI (final jury only)
Sky is the limit

Technical requirements

No limits or constraints have been set about the artistic techniques used to create the work.

The whole creative process will be under the artist supervision. A dedicated production company will assist the winner and provide  expertise, project management skills and pitch coaching.

The final work will be rendered on the façade of the Café SATI plant in a 19.80 x 6.80 m format, using a high resolution stretched tarpaulin mounted on a special canvas.

After registration, the Talents SATI team will provide you with several materials (photos, videos, 3D and mockups …) to help you imagine and sketch you project.

Talents SATI since 2013

L’Heure Bleue 
a work by Elisa Sanchez
A window in Time
a work by Johannes Musiol & Ozan Güngor
a work by Victoria Kieffer
Situ Sati
a work by Maëva Sanz & Eli Bouisson
Fenêtre sur canal
a work by Justine Siret
Curiosités industrielles
a work by Joanna Hateley & Thomas Roger
a work by Pierre Boyer & Youri Asantcheeff
Blazing Darkness
a work by Nina Kronenberger, Maria Sieradzki, Merle Sommer
Trombines d’usine
a work by Alexis Reymond
Heure Luxueuse
a work by Margot Dien & Baudoin Lindas
The project philosophy

Genesis of Talents SATI

Play Video

Nicolas Schulé, CEO of Cafés SATI, explains why he created les Talents SATI.